Episode 9: Nicole Rowan

Nicole Rowan, The Spirited ThrifterMeet Nicole Rowan, the woman behind The Spirited Thrifter, a blog about secondhand shopping and everyday style.

Nicole is now in her fourth year of blogging, and she says it has been a life-changing experience. She tells us how a bout of retail therapy at Value Village led to her blog, and why her blog evolved from VV Boutique Style to The Spirited Thrifter. She also talks about the opportunities the blog has brought her, and where she fits in Edmonton’s fashion blogosphere. And she talks about her current focus on mindfulness, and how that will inform her life and her blog’s content over the next year.

You can find Nicole on Instagram at @thespiritedthrifter and on Facebook. On Twitter she’s @spiritedthriftr, and she reviews thrift shops on Yelp.

You can also listen on SoundCloud or subscribe in iTunes. And the podcast is now available on Stitcher.

Nicole had a lot of recommendations for blogs and Instagram accounts that she likes to follow. Here are the links she mentioned in the show, and a few more she came up with afterwards:

She also mentioned a couple of podcasts: Sweet Tooth and Meat Tooth and City Life Church.

State Motto

This episode is brought to you by State Motto, purveyor of hand-crafted cocktail bitters. No artificial flavors. Organic when possible. As local as possible. 


Musical credits:

  • Beethoven’s Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 2 No. 1, played by Daniel Veesey, from freemusicarchive.com.

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